Transcad tutorial
Transcad tutorial


Specially softwares like Citilabs Cubewhich has a much trancad difficult learning curve, would give a much better impression to their new users.


Copyright and Any information regarding mistakes in this manual is greatly appreciated. The jsprit library can model many different sorts of vehicle routing problems and ODL Studio can be customised as needed to support them.McNally had put together a very detailed step-by step tutorial for TA to develop some material to help the students with TransCad features: A. This tutorial used a relatively simple vehicle routing model - the multi-depot vehicle routing problem with time windows. Google or Navteq / HERE) then see the tutorial on using an external travel distances and times text file matrix. If you’d like to use travel times and distances from another map provider (e.g. You may also wish to generate the vehicle routes and reports as part of an automated batch process using our ODL Connect product. To use vehicle route planning in a production system, you need to populate your Excel spreadsheet automatically from your customer resource management or enterprise resource planning system.

  • Export them to the spreadsheet using the Export solution tables option.
  • Examine the various detail statistics tables.
  • We can build custom route reports for you.


    If you want to automatically export the report to pdf or another format, or change the report format, see our tutorials on reporting or contact us for support and training.

  • From the reporter viewer control, save the report to pdf (see example file here).
  • Click on the reports icon under your script to generate a report.
  • You can also change the ordering of stops within a route by dragging them.
  • As shown in the video, use the route editor control to drag stops off and between routes.
  • Open the route editor by clicking on the Edit routes icon.
  • Under view solution in the script, open the map by clicking on the view routes in map icon.
  • Hover over different parts of the Gantt chart to view details on the activities.
  • Click on the Gantt chart icon under the view solution option.
  • Hover over the individual stops to bring up the tooltip with stop details.
  • Use the legend control to zoom on and show / hide routes.
  • Navigate around the map to inspect the various routes.
  • Under the view solution option in the script, click on view routes in map.
  • Click on the optimise icon under the script and wait for the optimisation to finish.

    ODL Studio uses the excellent Graphhopper project for road network distance and time calculations. To find out how to build the file for other countries, see our advanced configuration tutorial. Edit the vehicle routing script and under settings, change the script to use real road network distances, setting the directory to your unzipped directory.


    Download the pre-built UK road network graph from our downloads page and unzip to a directory on your computer.Under the same option, click Demo - create stops and vehicles. This creates an artificial input dataset.Stops and VehicleTypes hold your input data and your output routes are held in Stops-order. Under the Tools option in the new script, click on Create all input tables. This creates the tables Stops, VehicleTypes and Stops-order in your spreadsheet.Create a new vehicle routing script with 1 quantity type and save it to your scripts directory.Open ODL Studio and create an empty spreadsheet using the new menu item.Now, following the video step-by-step, do the following: Ensure you watch the video in high resolution, or some controls may not be clear. Firstly, watch the following tutorial video for an introduction to vehicle routing and scheduling using ODL Studio. You can then edit these routes using our drag-and-drop vehicle route editor, analyse them in various ways, inspect the routes in a map or export detailed reports to give to your drivers.Ĭonfiguring and integrating a vehicle routing solution for your own organisation is a complex task and you may wish to consider contacting us for details on our consultancy, support and training packages, to guide you through the process. This tutorial provides an introduction to the routing and scheduling capabilities available within ODL Studio. You are advised to work through the earlier tutorials before this tutorial. Using the jsprit integration, you can plan a set of routes for your delivery fleet to efficiently serve a set of delivery points. ODL Studio uses the excellent jsprit vehicle routing library to provide vehicle routing & scheduling capabilities. Tutorial V - vehicle routing & scheduling

    Transcad tutorial